Dr. Kaushik reveals how the energy moves within the universe inside each of us and gets caught up as tension. This tension is the source of all of our needs and ills and to move beyond it is to become a new kind of human being. Recorded Ithaca, NY, Summer 1978. Find many more talks by Dr. Kaushik at Dr.Bruce & the Levity Zone Archive and a newly rediscovered booklet and Darshan yoga guide. Credits: Dr. R.P. Kaushik (speaker). Dr. Bruce Damer (intro, edit), MysticalSun (music titled: Place of Refuge from his new album “26000”), Jacob Aman (art). Get voice-only version here. [Released 14 March, 2013]


Rare booklet on the thought of Dr. R. P. Kaushik


A recently rediscovered rare booklet on the thought of Dr. R. P. Kaushik. Find the complete PDF version here.

Darshan Yoga guide of Dr. R. P. Kaushik


Darshan Yoga (yoga of perception) guide, a rare publication of Dr. R. P. Kaushik. Find the complete PDF version here.